GWT-Jep is virtually compatible with the Jep 3.4 release, apart from the following changes:
- Only the ConfigurableParser is supported and not the JavaCC based StandardParser.
- There is no support for Serialization, the SerializableExpression class has been removed,
and some serialization specific methods have been removed.
- Javascript has no integer datatype so any calculations which would use integers are performed as doubles.
- Google compatibility classes, used.
- Simple re-implementations of Reader, StringReader and BufferedReader are provided in com.singularsys.jep.compatibility.
Note Reader has a single
public String readLine()
which must be implemented by any subclasses.
- Simple re-implementations of Observer and Observable are provided in com.singularsys.jep.compatibility.
- Simple re-implementations of Pattern and Matcher are provided in com.singularsys.jep.compatibility
these only implement the Matcher.lookingAt() method and not Matcher.find(). These use class.
- Some change in the format of message in Exceptions.
- New line character assumed to be \n.
- The com.singularsys.jep.misc.functions.IsType is not supported.