Online Curve and Surface programs
SingSurf the full desktop java program, allowing complex 2 and 3 dimensional models from singularity theory and differential geometry to me constructed. For example it can calculate the principle directions, ridges, and focal surfaces of parametrised surface, or calculate the symmetry sets of plane curve.
A Java library for parsing, evaluating mathematical equations.
- Core Jep
- Jep is a small fast mathematical parsing and evaluation library. It suports various datatype including, BigDecimals, strings and complex number and has a wide rang of built in functions. It is highly customizable allow diferent syntaxes for equations. I am co-developer and its available from
- Jep Extensions
- Jep Extensions is a set of extensions to Jep which add symbolic operations, fast evaluation, a type system allowing evaluation using matrices and rational numbers, limited structured programing and conversion to MathML.
- GWT Jep
- GWT Jep is a javascript version of the core Jep library using the Google Web Toolkit.
- Examples
This simple calculator is made using Jep/GWTJep
More extensive examples can be found in Jep Console, Extensions Console and the plotting apps to the left.
Explore the 17 symmetric wallpaper patterns.
Mathematics and Science tuition
Interested in private mathematics tuition in south-east Cornwall? I offer tuition at all ages and all levels with an emphasis on engaging the student and exciting the students:
My son has just finished his GCSEs and I had a fantastic tutor, Richard Morris, who taught him for 1.5 hours per week for about 12 wks before his exams. From really disliking maths he now really loves it and found his exam straightforward. - Di Baker MentOrg
Reciently I have been working with Home Educated children teaching interactive science leasons which are hopefully a bit more fun than school. Home Ed Science Club.

A collection of uniform polyhedra in rotatable 3D.

- Left-Right brain and leaning styles An examination into the theory of brain lateralization, learning styles and the implications for education.
- Blagdon Cross rewilding what happens if you leave 80 acres of land unmanged for 10 years?
- The thermodynamics of tidying a room Why do rooms get messy? Is it a law of nature?
- Hysteresis and Sorites A philosophical investigation into how discrete labels can be given to continuously changing phenomena.

Cubic surfaces
All the surfaces defined by cubics equations.

I teach Ki-Aikido a Japanese physical art, developing the mind and body and coordination between the two.

Derek Morris - East London local history
A page dedicated to my late father Derek Morris. Including details on his research on the Early-Modern (1600–1800) Social Histories of East London; articles on James Cook; memorial and testimonials; and family history.

Some javascript experiments.
- Four-bar linkages (written using Processing.js)
- The circles of a triangle
- Superellipsoids
- Calculating volumes using the divergence theorem
- Galileo-Ramps using marbles, cable housing and an arduino (on instructables)
- convert panorama to cube map (on stack overflow)
Some have been developed using jsfiddle. My public Fiddles
And a JavaScript extension